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If you're like most merchants,....!

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You don't have enough hours in the day to get all your work done. That can lead to jobs half finished, frustrated customers and lost sales, an automated point of sale system can help by reducing the time spent on administrative tasks.
But... high prices, complex setup, big training requirements and lack of online support are barriers that stop many businesses from automating their sales.
The Jeking point of sale removes these barriers by making itself free of charge yet focus on affordable, easy-to-use system, full-featured with most of the advanced features shop owners and cashiers are looking for. We have made every effort to include such features without making the system complicated.
The development in the Jeking point of sale system will continue to give a better solution, facilities, functions and features based on the need demanded by users!.
That's why the Jeking point of sale system will always release newer version from time to time!. Most of all,...wherever you are, you can get complete remote support from our staffs,..... no more barriers!!,.. so wait no now. you don't have to buy...It's freeware !!!

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